Everything You Need For The Ultimate Gaming Set-Up

Everything You Need For The Ultimate Gaming Set-UpEverything You Need For The Ultimate Gaming Set-Up

Everything You Need For The Ultimate Gaming Set-Up

Are you a big gamer? If so, then this is the guide for you. Getting your set-up just right will have a massive effect on your performance online. Therefore, it is crucial to get it right for the ultimate gaming success! Furthermore, you want your set-up to look and feel awesome, so aesthetics also play a big part in getting things spot on. Check out this post and see if these tips could help you out, too.

Pick Up A Projector

Nothing screams awesome like your games being projected onto the wall! Be sure to pick up a high-resolution projector for your ultimate gaming set-up. Preferably one that is, at least, HD resolution, which is 1080p for those of you who are unsure. This will ensure that you still get the same crispness as you would come to expect from a television. However, the biggest advantage to a projector is the ability to freely point it in every direction you wish and at a scale chosen by you. Make sure that the project you buy has a very high refresh rate and a great response time. This will ensure that you don’t drop any frames when gaming, and will hopefully minimize any image lag.

Get A Better Wireless Router

The next step to an ultimate gaming haven is to sort out your internet. Getting hold of an awesome wireless router is the key to success here. If you’ve no idea where to begin when it comes to picking up a great route, then see here for more information. The last thing you want when gaming online is slow or laggy internet. It makes for a terrible experience when you’re running through on goal or mid-warfare! A great router will prevent your wireless connection from dropping and disconnecting you from your game. This is, therefore, a very underrated piece of kit that we feel is essential for any ultimate gaming set-up! It will help you get the most from your broadband connection.

Choose The Right Console

This one often comes down to personal preference. If you’re all about exclusives, then the PS4 certainly has a lot of them. However, all the best games are still readily available on Xbox One, too. Including its own exclusive – Titan Fall! It’s worth considering both before you make your big decision, however, almost all of it will come down to which system your friends are on. Sadly, cross-platform online gaming doesn’t work, so you’ll all need to be rocking the same game and the same console. Alternatively, you might appreciate the additional power of a gaming PC to enjoy your play. If so, then there are many custom-built PCs designed for gaming out there and available online. The choice is yours! However, one of these three is a must!

Hopefully, this guide has helped you create your ultimate gaming set-up. If you feel like it needs a little more, then why not do a bit of cable management to perfect your new, sleek look? If that’s not enough for you then add in a Bluetooth speaker so that you can listen to your favorite tunes while you game, too. Let us know how your gaming set-up turned out in the comments below.