Women In Science Will Be ‘Given More Opportunities’

Women in science and IT careers will find more opportunities in the coming years, overcoming obstacles such as stereotypes and family matters, industry experts have said.

Beatrice Dautresme, chief executive of the L’Oreal Foundation, told the New York Times: “Everything is in place for more women to succeed in science; now the different pieces just have to come together.”

This comment comes as Katrin Bennhold examined the future of women in IT, engineering, and science jobs, who have spent years fighting stereotypes and managing a workload against raising a family.

However, Ms. Bennhold said that this is all set to change as the future of the global economy will increasingly rely on these industries and require women to take on a “quiet revolution”, becoming a more prominent feature in labs and offices.

“By 2017,” she said, “a shortfall of 200,000 engineers is expected in Germany, and Britain more than half a million skilled workers will be needed to satisfy the demands of the green energy, aerospace, and transport industries.”

She explained that this will mean that governments and businesses will start to appeal for more skilled women to develop careers in science and technology to support the growing demand.

Last week, James Dyson called for more people to seek a career in engineering and science to propel the UK as a world leader in technology.

He suggested that universities offer vocational courses and that industry and government share the cost of bursaries to encourage more applicants, particularly from women returning to work.

The Conservative Party also announced that they would introduce 600,000 new technology jobs should they win the forthcoming election.

Already, twice as many women than men are applying for science degrees in the EU.

“Women need science and science needs women,” said Ms Dautresme, “If women can make it in science, they can make it anywhere.”

In the US, the Obama administration has made it a priority to get more women into science.

“Across the developed world, academia and industry are trying, together or individually, to lure women into technical professions with mentoring programs, science camps, and child care,” Ms Bennhold explained.

In addressing the need for women to raise a family, Ms Bennhold suggested that allocated money for research grants offered by universities be set aside to include child care.

There has been no doubt by commentators, businesses, and governments, that there is a need to invest in and recruit people working in the science and technology sector. Now, it has been suggested, that it has become a requirement for these spokespeople to appeal to the female audience.